Ask your MP to support
our call to ban snares

England is now the only country in Britain to allow the use of cruel snares. In 2023, the Welsh Government introduced a total ban on snares. The Scottish Government also banned snares under the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill.

Our government petition, calling for a ban on the use of snares was signed by more than 100,000 people! As a result, MPs held a debate on snares in January 2023 – with the huge majority of MPs, from different political parties, speaking in support of a ban on these inhumane traps.

The government has said it will keep its promise to implement a ban on snares in England – but we need to keep the pressure up and make sure this happens as soon as possible.

Please use the form below, to send a pre-drafted message to your MP, asking them to show their support by signing a new Early Day Motion (EDM705). You can edit the text in the message if you wish.
Thank you.

*Please note that this is only available to people in the UK

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